Evolve IP

Inside Consulting delivered tremendous value for us, both in profit improvement and organizational effectiveness. What stood out was their ability to focus on key issues, perform detailed analytics, and drive opportunities to closure. We’re looking for more ways to partner with them in the future- Jeff Coursen | CEO


  • Following a period of customer demand growth, the US market competition had intensified, pressuring price realization and margins.
  • The company had addressed some vendors’ contracts but had not conducted comprehensive sourcing effort.
  • Much of the company’s spend is in areas of telecom, where the sheer volume of circuits and connection rates (i.e., SKU proliferation) complicates competitive sourcing processes.

Insights and actions:

  • Decomposed spend- unpack the economics of opaque categories. This informed target setting and prioritization of effort in particular areas of spend.
  • Applied structured sourcing processes on categories and vendors which had not been sourced rigorously in the past– created & applied leverage.
  • Sourced goods/services at granular level where advantageous; creating transparency, stimulating competition, and compressing vendor margins.
  • Where advantageous, we used proprietary live bidding portal (with reverse auction ranking) to systematically drive each carrier to their indifference point, revealing market pricing levels.
  • Systematically identify discrepancies with usage and/or billing for selected resold SKU.  We developed hypotheses to direct targeted audits, letting us find and correct excess volume (failed decoms) and revenue leakage (underbilling).
  • Discovered pockets of SG&A labor spend that had not scaled appropriately with revenue and customer volume. We assessed productivity trends per function/team over time based on volume of cost drivers to provide the CEO and Board with a fact-based approach to align the labor cost-base.


  • Evolve-IP realized ~$2.8M of annual EBITDA improvement.
    • $2.3M in cost reduction (35% savings from baseline). Majority of value realized through vendor price reduction on Voice and Network carriers, via granular competition and use of live reverse-auction bidding events.
    • $550k in revenue from correcting disconnects between provisioning and billing